
Just got the master degree in civil engineering from National Taiwan University in July, 2019. Professional with image processing, image-based hydrologic remote monitoring. A machine learning enthusiastic and experienced in programming with Python using Tensorflow and Keras.
Landscape Photographer.

Quick Facts

  • Programming Languages: Python, MATLAB, SQL.
  • GUI: PyQt

Machine Learning

  • Frameworks: Tensorflow, Keras.
  • NN: Logistic Regression, CNN, RNN, Deep Auto-encoder, Genetic Algorithm.
  • Model: R-CNN based object detection models, YOLO v1~v3.
  • Image Processing: OpenCV, MATLAB.
  • Version Control: Git.

Data Science

  • Library: numpy, pandas, scipy, matplotlib.
  • Statistic: ANOVA, Regression, Uncertainty analysis, Reliability analysis, Time series, Kriging method.

Civil Engineering

  • Knowledge: Fluid Mechanics, Open Channel Flow, Hydrology.
  • Numerical Model: HEC-HMS, HEC-RAS, SWMM.
  • GIS: Arc-GIS, QGIS, UAV, Agi PhotoScan 3D Terrain Reconstruction.
  • Construction Management: MS Project.
  • Technical Drawing: AutoCAD.


  • Photography.
  • Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom.


Mask R-CNN for Cookies Detection and Segmentation

GitHub repo | Post
This is a tiny project to use Mask R-CNN for detecting two brands of cookies “Lays” and “Doritos”. Most of the code is based on the implementation of Mask R-CNN by matterport on Python 3, Keras, and TensorFlow. What we modified is changing the backbone network from ResNet-101 to ResNet-50 and the batch size from 2 to 1 image. This setting will use 97~98% memory of NVIDIA RTX2060 6GB.

pyPIV - A Particle Image Velocimetry GUI toolkit

GitHub repo
This is the project dealing with Particle Image Velocimetry based on two algorithm:

  1. Direct Cross Correlation (DCC)
  2. Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)

The GUI files built with PyQt helps user to modify the parameters in the algorithm more easily.

Note: CNN method is not open to public. See the section Master’s Thesis below.

Master’s Thesis

< The Application of Convolutional Neural Network on Large-Scale Particle Image Velocimetry >
The research made an effort on improving the river measurments results on the field by conventional LSPIV technique. We implement a tiny self-build CNN model to replace the direct cross-correlation algorithm (DCC) in the conventional one. We found out that CNN-based LSPIV can keep the decrease of performance below 1% which is 18% and much more unsteady by DCC-based under the noise of illumination. The method we proposed is robust and can give an excellent velocity field with stability and accuracy then DCC gives.

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